Christian Courtship is a period before wedding/marriage where a Christian brother and sister agree about so many issues and see if they both share the same vision, hope and aspiration about marriage. “Courtship is an adopted word to describe the Biblical model for the relationship between a man and a woman that leads to marriage.”
“Two people will not walk together unless they agree.” Amos 3:3 (Easy to road)
“Can two people walk together without agreeing on the direction?” Amos 3:3
From the Word of God that is quoted above, we can reliably gather that Christian courtship involves two people that have agreed to walk together, in the direction of marriage (not sleeping together before marriage).
Dearly beloved brother or sister marriage is spiritual and orderly. It must be treated with utmost respect; hence the Christian Courtship is very important for intending brother and sister that have agreed to marry.
It is during the Courtship that proper biblical foundation must be laid down in order to have a happy married life.
Despite the enormous responsibilities and challenges that come with marriage, yours can bear that totem “happy married life” that is the plan of God for you as His child. The Bible says, he has made us both Priest and kings (Rev.1:6) and if you permit queens. So for a Christian brother he is a king while the sister is a queen (please smile to that).
A king must have a queen to establish a royal family which God also intended for His children as established in 1Pet. 2:9.
God wants your marriage future to be a kind of “Heaven on Earth.”
Hence, before you venture into wedding plans both of you must agree on a lot of things like what you both want for your marriage. Both of you must realize that marriage means TILL DEATH DO US PART!
That word “agree” from Amos 3:3 is very deep. You need to ask yourself “Do we agree”.
“Are we walking towards a common goal?”
You don’t need to fast and pray before you answer those questions.
If your choice of marriage partner is worried about your involvement in church activities, then there is a problem. If he or she is not comfortable with your reading the Bible or speaking in tongue, then I don’t think you are headed in the same direction. If he or she is someone that find it difficult to give and pay tithe regularly, then you shouldn’t bother about him/her.
Agreement on what direction you want your marriage to go can only be attained on the platform of courtship.
The following are excerpts (as regard courtship) from the book written by one of my spiritual fathers; Bishop David Oyedepo titled “Bible sense for getting into marriage”.
1) After proposing to a lady and she has agreed to marry you, the next thing to do is to obey the Biblical injunction to prove all things (1Thes 5:21)
2) The courtship period is the time to prove your relationship. Yes your spirit agrees that you have made the right choice, but you still need to prove all things.
3) Courtship is a fact-finding period. Marriage without courtship naturally ends in crisis because there was no opportunity to get to know each other and prove whether the choice made was wise or not.
4) Impatience is responsible for many marriage failures in the western world today.
5) Courtship can be broken. This should not be mistaken for divorce. If your ideas and ideals are not similar, common-sense demands that you call it quit.
(Author’s note; don’t make it a habit of breaking your courtship at the slightest excuse…).
6) Courtship is a covenant culture for a successful marriage. One month is not sufficient. Two months is risky. Man is a complex being.
7) The proving process is the personal responsibility of the individuals involved because they are the ones to live together. Do not allow your parents or family to prove your spouse for you.
My final note on courtship is that secretly indulging in bodily, emotional and sexual pleasure at this stage with your marriage partner is a sin. It is a potential sign of marital failure.
Article by AboveOnly