Stay-2-Gether Couples
Couples Seminar –
The secret to having a biblically successful marriage is abiding in Christ. Trusting God to meet my needs and my spouse to understand my wants and desires. Jesus says in John 15:5, “I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart from Me you can do nothing.” Love and marriage is a wonderful and satisfying relationship when a husband understands how to abide in Christ and love His bride as Christ loves the Church, and the wife understands how to abide in Christ and respects her husband like the bride of Christ respects Him.
To maintain a successful marriage relationship, a couple needs special times together. Just as winning sport teams use their time-outs wisely to be refreshed, strengthened, and strategize to go on to victory, so too all married couples need special times of renewal. This principle can be seen in Jesus’ words, “Come away by yourselves… and rest awhile.”
The Couple’s Seminar provides an opportunity for you and your spouse to take an important time-out, have a date away from the demands of daily living, and be biblically encouraged and strengthened in your marriage relationship. Dramatization and personal stories make the weekend interesting and fun to attend. Couples attend five sessions together and two separately. Thoughtful listening is encouraged with time given for questions and answers; however, open sharing with the group is not required.